Login Required
To access this form, please click on the Log-In link at the top of the page (or in the menu at the bottom of the page if using a mobile device).
Then, select the submission type below to upload all documents to the Office of Graduate Studies for the following:
- Program Form: Creating/Modifying/Deleting Graduate Programs, Graduate Certificates, and Graduate Specializations
- Nomination Form: Nominations for Graduate Faculty, Graduate Faculty Associate, Graduate Lecturer, and Graduate Faculty Emeriti
Do NOT use this form to submit student documents such as Memorandum of Courses or Programs of Study. All student-related paperwork should be provided directly to the appropriate staff person in the Office of Graduate Studies (typically Terri Eastin or Lisa Cordonier). Applications for special committee members should go to Lisa Cordonier directly.
Once you upload your document(s), you will receive an email indicating they have been received. If you make an error or need to upload additional documents for the same purpose later, you may use the submission URL provided in the email to modify your submission. If you have trouble revising your submission, please re-submit your documents using this form.