Director, Graduate Student Support & Associate Registrar
Eva Bachman
Office of Graduate Studies
Throughout these steps to degree completion, Eva will be answering your questions and reviewing your materials.
Related resources
- Candidacy
October 1
Preparation for GraduationJanuary 31
Application for Final Oral ExaminationApril 17
Final Oral Exam DeadlineMay 1
Report of Completion & DepositMay 2
NOTE: The Department of Educational Psychology may have earlier deadlines. Please check with your advisor or graduate handbook.
Supervisory Committee
Deadline: Prior to the completion of 42 credit hours.
You will be notified by email when your committee is approved.
For full policy, see Requirements for the Educational Specialist Degree in the Graduate Catalog.
Form: Appointment of Supervisory CommitteeProgram of Studies
Deadline: Prior to the completion of 42 credit hours.
NOTE: After the Program of Studies has been filed in Graduate Studies, any changes are submitted in writing. A "Request for Change of Program" form is available from Graduate Studies, or a memo may be submitted by the student's advisor to the Coordinator outlining the additions, deletions, or substitutions.
For full policy, see Program of Studies in the Graduate Catalog.
Form: Program of StudiesPreparation for Graduation
Deadline: date TBD
Failure to complete these steps will result in a diploma not being ordered for you and your graduation date will be postponed.
Written Comprehensive Exam
Deadline: At least ten days before graduation.
The Supervisory Committee develops the examination and determines its nature and duration. It is administered when the program is substantially complete.
Results are reported to Graduate Studies on the Final Report Form. All comprehensive examinations, either passed or failed, must be reported to Graduate Studies at least ten days before graduation.