Consultation Services

We’re eager to assist you in developing your materials for your job search or to help you document your teaching. Get started by scheduling an appointment with a consultant.

If you would like an in-person or online consultation, you can email us directly at

You can also submit job search documents such as your CV, teaching or research statement, or cover letter to have them reviewed by one of our consultants. Request a classroom visit or individual session with a teaching consultation. Receive feedback on grant application materials, such as a personal statement, graduate research plan, or broader impact statement with a writing consultation. All submitted documents should be in final draft form before the use of this service.

Please submit your materials as Word (.docx) documents to allow us to edit them more easily.

Request Information

Describe the focus of your request, including the field you are pursuing and a timeline of your job search. If you have a specific job in mind, please provide a link to the job description or upload it below.

One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: doc, docx.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: doc, docx.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: doc, docx.

*Allow up to 4 weeks to receive feedback with this method.

Request Information

Describe the focus of your request, including the field you are pursuing and a timeline of your job search. If you have a specific job in mind, please provide a link to the job description or upload it below.

One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: doc, docx.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: doc, docx.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: doc, docx.

*Allow up to 4 weeks to receive feedback with this method.

Contact Information
Mailing Address

Teaching consultations consist of three steps:

  1. Ten-minute pre-observation phone interview (optional)
  2. Classroom observation and student feedback collection
  3. Post-observation consultation at the Office of Graduate Studies
Pre-observation Phone Interview

* We strongly recommend all participants to sign up for an interview. If you are (1) wanting to use TDP towards earning CIRTL Associate status or (2) you are teaching an online-only course, the interview option is required.

We conduct a short (~10 minutes) phone interview to help focus our observation on the issues important to you. We'll call you at the number you provided above.

Provide at least TWO two-hour timeframes (Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.) that are most convenient for you.

Yes, I would like a pre-observation phone interview.

Yes, I would like a pre-observation phone interview.

Phone Interview Times
Classroom Observation

Classroom observations will be conducted

  • Fall 2024: between September 23 and October 25
  • Spring 2025: between February 17 and March 14

Select class dates that do NOT involve tests, review sessions, or student presentations, so we can observe your teaching. The consultant will use the first ten minutes of class to collect student feedback; keep that in mind as you plan your classroom activities for that day.

If you are teaching an Online-Only course, be sure to complete Section 1—Interview Option above.

Observation times are first-come, first-served, so provide the option of two dates. Include class beginning and ending times.  Dates must be at least 1 week from when you submit this form.

First Choice
Second Choice

Many TAs find it very helpful to gain a students perspective by viewing a video recording of their teaching.
The video will be available for download later that day and is only accessible by you.

Are you interested in a video recording of your teaching? (You can change your mind later.)

Video Request

Yes, I'm interested in a private recording of my teaching.

Post-observation Consultation

About a week after the classroom visit, we'll email you to schedule an office visit. You'll meet with your teaching consultant for about an hour in Seaton Hall. Bring pen and paper to take notes.