
The Office of Graduate Studies provides timely and engaging workshops to support graduate and professional student and postdoc development.

Please contact Lisa Rohde if you have questions about any of the upcoming workshops. *Denotes workshops that can be applied to CIRTL Certification.

TitleDate/LocationRegistration Link
CIRTL Lunch and Learn Aug 27, 12-12:30pm, Zoom Registration Link:
Milestones Information Presentation Aug 28 12-1pm, Zoom Registration Link:
Introduction to the Academic Hiring Process* Sep 11, 12-1pm, Zoom Registration Link:
Teaching Statements * Sep 18, 12-1 pm, Zoom Registration Link:
Creating Individual Development Plans Oct 1, 12-1 pm, Zoom Registration Link:
Alternative Assessments * Oct 17, 12-1 pm, Zoom Registration Link:
All About Course Design* Oct 29, 12-1 pm, Zoom Registration Link:
Surviving your Last Semester as a Doctoral Student Nov 6, 1-2:30 pm, Nebraska Union- Regency Registration Link:

Request Workshop


The Graduate Support Team in the Office of Graduate Studies has identified a list of our most popular workshops that departments, units, colleges, and student groups can request to be presented at organizational meetings or during a class session.

We have given a suggested time frame, but are able to adjust the length and content of the presentation to fit your unit’s specific needs.


Services for Grad Students and Postdocs at UNL

This workshop serves as an introduction to services from the Office of Graduate Studies, including workshops and consultations, programs such as CIRTL, the Teaching Development Program, or ITA, as well as who to contact in our office. This workshop is great for newer graduate students. (15-30 minutes)

Individual Development Plans

Creating an Individual Development Plan (IDP) will help you prepare for your future, regardless of your career path. Begin to draft your own Individual Development Plan by outlining a vision for your career and setting goals to capitalize on your strengths and address your development needs. With an IDP, you’re taking a deliberate approach to increasing the skills, knowledge, and experience you need to advance in your chosen career.

CIRTL Overview

UNL is a member of the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL), and our graduate students and postdocs can participate in development opportunities hosted by and with research university across the U.S. and Canada. This session can provide an overview of the available programming and certification requirements. (30 minutes)

Teaching Statements and Portfolios

This workshop with help you think about how to structure your teaching statement (aka teaching philosophy) as well how this might connect with your teaching portfolio. This workshop will help you brainstorm idea and reflect on your teaching training and beliefs. We can also review and edit statements as part of this workshop.

Teaching statement only (45 minutes-1 hour), teaching statement and portfolio (1.5 hour), peer review of statements (45 minutes-1 hour)


This session discusses the key components of CVs and how to format and organize your experiences. We will also discuss how these documents will be different from resumes. We can also review documents in this session. (45 minutes-1 hour)

Cover Letters

This workshop will focus on the purpose of a cover letter and how it’s meant to compliment your other job application documents. We’ll talk about basic guidelines and go through the four main elements each cover letter should include. (30 minutes)

This workshop can also be added to either the CV or resume writing workshops.

Diversity Statements

This workshop focuses on the contents of a diversity statement. We will also provide an opportunity to develop ideas for describing students' experiences with diversity and explaining their understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusivity in their work. This session can also involve peer review work (1-1.5 hour) 

Research Statements

Academic jobs may ask you to describe your research experiences and goals. This workshop will focus on the key components of these documents and how to explain your research experience to faculty hiring committees or for fellowship applications. This session can review peer review time as well.  (1 hour)


Other potential topics if requested may include: Teaching pedagogy (classroom management, leading discussions, grading and assessment, active learning, principles of learning), NSF GRFP applications

For workshops on additional teaching/communication development workshops, please visit

Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor

Center for Transformative Teaching

Communication Studies

For presentations about well-being, please visit

Big Red Resilience and Well-Being (students)

Employee Assistance Program (postdocs)

Complete all required fields. We'll make every effort to accommodate your request but event availability depends on educator schedules and previously booked events. Two-weeks’ notice is strongly recommended, especially for workshops you would like tailored for a specific audience.

(department, organization, unit, etc.)
If your desired professional development topic is not listed above, describe your request here. Please be specific.
Requested Event Date Required
Requested Event Time Required
Building and room number, outdoor space, or virtual via Zoom
Technology Required
Select all that are available at the event location
Anything else we need to know about the audience, location or event