Our Purpose

Uphold the integrity of graduate education. Advocate for meaningful and attractive graduate offerings. Foster an excellent graduate student experience. Champion partnerships that ensure the success of graduate programs.

Color image of pillars with blue sky and light clouds in the background

The Office of Graduate Studies is the administrative home for graduate education at UNL. We work closely with individual graduate students and each program’s faculty and staff to provide support at all stages of graduate education. Student success depends on a strong partnership between the Office of Graduate Studies and the academic programs that deliver the curriculum, training and, in many cases, financial support.

Graduate Studies at UNL is part of the University of Nebraska Graduate College and is therefore governed by system-wide Graduate College policies. Each campus in the University of Nebraska system offers graduate programs that are established under the umbrella of the Graduate College. Consequently, graduate students at each University of Nebraska campus are admitted to and receive diplomas from the Graduate College. The Office of Graduate Studies at UNL manages the admission, enrollment, and each step of a student’s progress toward degree completion.

The UNL Dean for Graduate Studies is responsible for administering all UNL graduate programs. This includes maintaining the UNL Graduate Catalog; managing policies and procedures; supporting the development of new graduate programs; providing professional development opportunities; facilitating communication and fostering community; and supporting the educational infrastructure for a diverse population of graduate students in an inclusive environment. The Dean for Graduate Studies also acts as liaison officer between the UNL Chancellor and the system-wide Dean of the Graduate College.

Organizational Chart of the Graduate College:

Graduate College Organizational Chart



  1. Avatar for Debra A. Hope, Ph.D.
    Dean and Associate Vice Chancellor
  2. Avatar for Jennifer Wood, Ph.D.
    Associate Dean
  3. Avatar for Alisha Hanshaw, Ph.D.
    Assistant Dean of Graduate Enrollment

Administrative Support

  1. Avatar for Jason Carmichael
    Temporary Administrative Coordinator

Recruitment and Admissions

  1. Avatar for Mary Ashbury
    Sr Domestic Admissions Evaluator
  2. Avatar for Nathan Bruss, M.S.
    Admissions Evaluator
  3. Avatar for Nicole Graham
    Graduate Admission Coordinator
  4. Avatar for Bryan Ottoson
    Admissions Evaluator
  5. Avatar for Edith Reza-Martinez
    Asst Dir of Graduate Education Engagemnt
  6. Avatar for Pat Shrader
    Senior Internatl Admissions Evaluator

Student Services and Development

  1. Avatar for Eva Bachman, Ph.D.
    Director, Graduate Student Support, Assoc Registrar & Doctoral Student Support
  2. Avatar for Carol Boehler
    Program Coordinator
  3. Avatar for Casey Coleman
    Asst Director of Programs & Events
  4. Avatar for Lisa Cordonier
    Administrative Program Coordinator & Doctoral Student Support
  5. Avatar for Terri Eastin
    Master's Programs Coordinator
  6. Avatar for Jamie Longwell
    Operations Manager
  7. Avatar for Lisa Rohde, Ph.D.
    Assoc Dir - Teaching & Research Dev


  1. Avatar for Kyle Burke
    Graduate Admission Systems Specialist
  2. Avatar for Erin Paseka
    Registrar Information Systems Developer

Graduate Assistants

  1. Avatar for Lillie
    McNair Graduate Assistant

Student Workers

  1. Avatar for Bailey
    Front Desk Student Worker
  2. Avatar for Barrett
    Front Desk Student Worker
  3. Avatar for Bella
    Front Desk Student Worker
  4. Avatar for Ginger
    Undergraduate Student Intern
  5. Avatar for Isabelle
    Front Desk Student Worker
  6. Avatar for Koby
    Front Desk Student Worker

Contact Graduate Studies


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Are you a 1st generation graduate student?

See program summaries for details like application deadlines and requirements.