Find your program in this list to ensure that you use the correct name for your major and degree on your title page.

This list will temporarily include old names of some renamed or discontinued programs; often students in those programs have an opportunity to complete their original program instead of changing to the new program.

Master's Majors and Degrees

AccountancyMaster of Professional Accountancy (M.P.A.)
Actuarial ScienceMaster of Science (M.S.)
Agricultural and Biological Systems EngineeringMaster of Science (M.S.)
Agricultural EconomicsMaster of Science (M.S.)
Agricultural Systems TechnologyMaster of Science (M.S.)
AgronomyMaster of Science (M.S.)
Animal ScienceMaster of Science (M.S.)
AnthropologyMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Applied ScienceMaster of Applied Science (M.A.S.)
Architectural EngineeringMaster of Architectural Engineering (M.A.E.)
Master of Science (M.S.)
ArchitectureMaster of Science (M.S.)
Art HistoryMaster of Arts (M.A.)
ArtMaster of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)
BiochemistryMaster of Science (M.S.)
Biological SciencesMaster of Science (M.S.)
BiometryMaster of Science (M.S.)
BusinessMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Business AnalyticsMaster of Science (M.S.)
Chemical EngineeringMaster of Science (M.S.)
ChemistryMaster of Science (M.S.)
Child, Youth & Family StudiesMaster of Science (M.S.)
Civil EngineeringMaster of Science (M.S.)
Communication StudiesMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Community & Regional PlanningMaster of Community and Regional Planning (M.C.R.P.)
Computer ScienceMaster of Science (M.S.)
ConstructionMaster of Science (M.S.)
Earth and Atmospheric SciencesMaster of Science (M.S.)
EconomicsMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Educational AdministrationMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Master of Education (M.Ed.)
Educational PsychologyMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Electrical EngineeringMaster of Science (M.S.)
Engineering ManagementMaster of Engineering Management (M.E.M.)
Engineering MechanicsMaster of Science (M.S.)
EngineeringMaster of Engineering (M.Eng.)
EnglishMaster of Arts (M.A.)
EntomologyMaster of Science (M.S.)
Environmental EngineeringMaster of Science (M.S.)
FinanceMaster of Science (M.S.)
Food Science & TechnologyMaster of Science (M.S.)
GeographyMaster of Arts (M.A.)
HistoryMaster of Arts (M.A.)
HorticultureMaster of Science (M.S.)
Industrial & Management Systems EngineeringMaster of Science (M.S.)
Journalism and Mass CommunicationsMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Leadership EducationMaster of Science (M.S.)
Legal StudiesMaster of Legal Studies (M.L.S.)
Manufacturing Systems EngineeringMaster of Science (M.S.)
MathematicsMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Master of Science (M.S.)
Master of Arts for Teachers (M.A.T.)
Master of Science for Teachers (M.Sc.T.)
Mechanical EngineeringMaster of Science (M.S.)
Modern Languages & LiteraturesMaster of Arts (M.A.)
MusicMaster of Music (M.M.)
Natural Resource SciencesMaster of Science (M.S.)
Nutrition & Health SciencesMaster of Science (M.S.)
NutritionMaster of Science (M.S.)
PhilosophyMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Physics & AstronomyMaster of Science (M.S.)
Political ScienceMaster of Arts (M.A.)
PsychologyMaster of Arts (M.A.)
SociologyMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Special EducationMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Master of Education (M.Ed.)
Speech-Language Pathology & AudiologyMaster of Science (M.S.)
StatisticsMaster of Science (M.S.)
Survey Research and MethodologyMaster of Science (M.S.)
Teaching, Learning & Teacher EducationMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Master of Education (M.Ed.)
Telecommunications EngineeringMaster of Science (M.S.)
Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion DesignMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Master of Science (M.S.)
Theatre ArtsMaster of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)
Veterinary ScienceMaster of Science (M.S.)

Doctoral Majors and Degrees

Doctoral students completing an official specialization may indicate that specialization on the dissertation's title page below their major as shown on the sample page. Consult the Doctoral Programs Coordinator if you are unsure of the status and name of your specialization.

Agricultural EconomicsDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Agronomy & HorticultureDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Animal ScienceDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Architectural EngineeringDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
BiochemistryDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Biological EngineeringDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Biological SciencesDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
BusinessDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Chemical & Biomolecular EngineeringDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
ChemistryDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Civil EngineeringDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Communication StudiesDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Computer ScienceDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Earth & Atmospheric SciencesDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
EconomicsDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Educational Administration (joint program with UNO)Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Educational StudiesDoctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Electrical EngineeringDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
EnglishDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
EngineeringDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
EntomologyDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Food Science & TechnologyDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
GeographyDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
HistoryDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Human SciencesDoctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Integrative Biomedical SciencesDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
MathematicsDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Mechanical Engineering & Applied MechanicsDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Modern Languages & LiteraturesDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
MusicDoctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Natural Resource SciencesDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
NutritionDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
PhilosophyDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Physics & AstronomyDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Political ScienceDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Psychological Studies in EducationDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
PsychologyDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
SociologyDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
StatisticsDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Survey Research & MethodologyDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)